The Question Game: Round 2

If you were told there is one happiness:

  1. Which is not dependent on any external factor, (such as the existence of a life partner, a job, possessions, wealth etc.)
  2. Which no one and nothing can increase or decrease,
  3. Which has the characteristic of constant development…

Wouldn’t you be curious?

Would you want to discover what that happiness is?

Amalia Eirini Tzimopoulou (Melina) is the author of “Beauty” a practical guide to self-understanding and improvement, and “A Droplet’s Journey: a true faerie tale”, her own journey of self-discovery in story form.  Both books will soon be available electronically.

Interpreting Life Events & the Pursuit of Happiness

Most people, in their pursuit of happiness, try to control other people and/or situations that influence their lives.  In life however there are those things which we can control, and those which we can’t.

If we base our happiness on such things we will put ourselves in a constant and intense state of stress because most of life’s events are beyond our control and unpredictable.  What we can do, that which is within our control, is our reaction to those events.  In that way we can recover our strength in the face of the unpredictable, by not allowing those events to control us.

But how is that possible?  The answer lies in the way that we interpret the events and experiences in our lives.  How we view those events is what determines reactions such as upset, disappointment, anger, sadness etc. or, on the other hand, our composure – grace under pressure.  Our freedom lies in our power to choose how we interpret and thus react to situations.

To achieve that requires KNOWLEDGE: knowledge of who we are and why we are, knowledge of what we are here on Earth to do, and knowledge of the universal laws which govern our existence.

In that way we come to determine our own lives and become the creators of our own happiness.  That is the primal indicator of “love of self”.

All that is required is to WANT to do it.  If you want to be happy, you can be happy.

Amalia Eirini Tzimopoulou (Melina) is the author of “Beauty” a practical guide to self-understanding and improvement, and “A Droplet’s Journey: a true faerie tale”, her own journey of self-discovery in story form.  Both books will soon be available electronically.

On Assigning Blame

Epiktitos, Hellenic Stoic Philosopher ( 50 A.D.-138 A.D.)

Excerpt from the “Handbook”,  Chapter E

Things or events don’t upset people, but rather the opinion they have about those things or events.  When we encounter obstacles, and are upset or disappointed we must not blame anyone other than our own selves.

An uneducated person, who falls into despair, blames others.

An educated person blames neither himself nor others.

Amalia Eirini Tzimopoulou (Melina) is the author of “Beauty” a practical guide to self-understanding and improvement, and “A Droplet’s Journey: a true faerie tale”, her own journey of self-discovery in story form.  Both books will soon be available electronically.

Question Game – Round 1: What’s that crazy little thing called love?

Around the world philosophies, religions and people talk about love.  The word “love” is referred to as a state among couples.

But what does love actually mean?

How can we be expected to love someone else if we don’t actually know what love is?

How can we experience love for someone else if we haven’t first learned to love our self?

How can we love our self if we haven’t first discovered who and what we are?

Copy paste the questions into the comments and share your ideas!

Amalia Eirini Tzimopoulou (Melina) is the author of “Beauty” a practical guide to self-understanding and improvement, and “A Droplet’s Journey: a true faerie tale”, her own journey of self-discovery in story form.  Both books will soon be available electronically.

Are you living love?

Have you ever noticed that not just in Greece but all over the world humanity is plagued by discord, conflict, war, exploitation of humans, animals and natural resources.  Entire countries subsist in conditions of extreme poverty.  The catalyst for the state of the world can only be the lack of respect and love toward our fellow humans surrounding us.  Our life is based on the wrong values: we view what we “have” as a virtue rather than who we “are”.

If we want to hope for a better tomorrow, then we had better learn to love.  Love is the greatest force that exists.  It can heal and transform us and all around us.  Love is the virtue from which all other virtues spring.

I believe that life is a gift.  A wondrous gift for all who come to appreciate and value it…

In striving to know myself, I began to glean an inkling as to what the actual purpose of existence might be.  To discover the purpose of existence is to shed light on the dark aspects of your inner world.  Without that inner illumination, all external light is of no use.

Amalia Eirini Tzimopoulou (Melina) is the author of “Beauty” a practical guide to self-understanding and improvement, and “A Droplet’s Journey: a true faerie tale”, her own journey of self-discovery in story form.  Both books will soon be available electronically.

The Definition of an Educated Person

SOCRATES, Hellenic Philosopher 470-399 B.C.

“The definition of an educated person.”

When asked to define what constitutes an “educated” person he made no mention of accumulated knowledge.

He said that education is a behavioral matter.

So, what do I consider elements of an educated person?

*First and foremost someone who is able to control unpleasant situations rather than be controlled by them.

*Someone who faces all of their life events with bravery and reason.

*Someone who is honorable in all of their interactions.

*Someone who faces unpleasant events and individuals with goodwill.

*Someone who moderates their pleasures.

*Someone who doesn’t allow misfortune and failures to defeat them.

*Finally, someone who isn’t corrupted by success and glory.


LISE BOURBEAU “Your Body’s Telling You:  Love yourself!”

This book is the most comprehensive guide to the spiritual and psychosomatic causes of disease.

“The only road to complete and permanent healing is through self forgiveness.  That is the only practicable step each of us can take for the prevention and elimination of illness on any level.  It not only involves love of self but also of the heart, blood, our body as a whole.”

Amalia Eirini Tzimopoulou (Melina) is the author of “Beauty” a practical guide to self-understanding and improvement, and “A Droplet’s Journey: a true faerie tale”, her own journey of self-discovery in story form.  Both books will soon be available electronically.